Wolverhampton Substance Misuse Service 0300 200 2400

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RNY Christmas Newsletter 2022

Each year we roll out a newsletter for service users with updates from the service as well as activities to do and recipes to try as well as advice and tips!

Please see below a downloadable copy of the newsletter

RNY Xmas newsletter 22

Keeping children safe

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Safer injecting

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Overdose / Naloxone

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New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Information

This document provides updated information on New Psychoactive Substances (NPS).

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Alcohol Awareness Poster

This poster provides useful tips and information on how you can reduce your alcohol intake.

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Dělá Vám starost Vaše konzumace alkoholu?

This poster provides useful tips and information on how you can reduce your alcohol intake. Information in Czech

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Alkoholio vartojimas kelia nerimą?

This poster provides useful tips and information on how you can reduce your alcohol intake. Information in Lithuanian

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Martwisz się o swoje picie?

This Polish language poster provides useful tips and information on how you can reduce your alcohol intake.

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Vă îngrijorează consumul propriu de alcool?

This poster provides useful tips and information on how you can reduce your alcohol intake. Information in Romanian

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Беспокоитесь насчет своей привычки выпить?

This poster provides useful tips and information on how you can reduce your alcohol intake. Information in Russian

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Welcome to Wolverhampton

A comprehensive list of treatments and services offered through Recovery Near You.

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Needle Exchange Poster

Information on where to return your used needles.

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Použité injekční jehly vraťte prosím zde

Where to return your used needles. Information in Czech

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Panaudotas adatas atneškite čia

Where to return your used needles. Information in Lithuanian

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Tutaj oddaj zużyte igły

Where to return your used needles. Information in Polish

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Returnaţi aici acele folosite

Where to return your used needles. Information in Romanian

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Сюда Вы можете принести неиспользованные иглы

Where to return your used needles. Information in Russian

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Safeguarding Integrated Framework

This document is the overarching safeguarding document for Wolverhampton Substance Misuse Service (WSMS), and individual partner agency policies feed into it.

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Hidden Harm – Parental Substance Misuse and the effects on children

This publication examines the evidence for significant harm to children’s health and wellbeing and also considers what is being done at present to help children and what more could be done.

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Wolverhampton Children, Young People & Families Plan

The purpose of this plan is to set out what Children’s Trust partners will do so that children, young people and families receive the early help they need to live healthy and happy lives.

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Drug & alcohol leaflet

If you’re worried about your own drinking or drug use, or someone else’s, Recovery Near You can provide practical advice and support.

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Помощь лицам, страдающим алкоголизмом и наркозависимостью в Вулвергемптоне

If you’re worried about your own drinking or drug use, or someone else’s, Recovery Near You can provide practical advice and support. Information in Russian

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Asistenţă privind consumul de alcool şi droguri în Wolverhampton

If you’re worried about your own drinking or drug use, or someone else’s, Recovery Near You can provide practical advice and support. Information in Romanian

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Pomoc dla osób uzależnionych od alkoholu i narkotyków w Wolverhampton

If you’re worried about your own drinking or drug use, or someone else’s, Recovery Near You can provide practical advice and support. Information in Polish

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Padėkite kovoti su alkoholiu ir narkotikais Wolverhampton rajone

If you’re worried about your own drinking or drug use, or someone else’s, Recovery Near You can provide practical advice and support. Information in Lithuanian

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Pomoc osobám závislým na alkoholu a drogách ve Wolverhampton

If you’re worried about your own drinking or drug use, or someone else’s, Recovery Near You can provide practical advice and support. Information in Czech

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