Brief intervention: Technique to promote awareness and initiate behaviour change in Drug or Alcohol use.
BTEI: Birmingham Treatment Effectiveness Initiative; provides a structure to the delivery of treatment using the ‘Routes to Recovery’ manual and toolkit.
Did Not Attend (DNA) policy: Agreed process by which each Keyworker and client is aware of to promote engagement and ensure that contact is made regularly with each other.
Early Help (0-5/5-18 years): Work closely with a range of services and other partners to provide targeted support to children, young people and families.
FAMA: Facilitating access to mutual aid; 3 stage model to i) Introduce individuals to mutual aid ii) encourage participation in mutual aid and iii) take an interest in an individual’s experience. (Mutual aid: peer-led groups championed by those who are making positive progress in their recovery journey).
Motivational interviewing: Goal-orientated and client-centred approach to elicit and promote health behaviour change
Mutual aid groups: Voluntary reciprocal exchange of resources and services for mutual benefit, for instance Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous.
NDTMS: National Drug Treatment Monitoring System; collects, collates and analyses information from and for those involved in the drug treatment sector.
Psychosocial interventions: One-to-one and group sessions-based on counselling techniques to promote health behaviour change.
Recovery capital: An individual’s resources and skills that can help promote recovery.
Recovery champions: Individuals who are in recovery and sustaining it successfully and are championing that it is possible through acting as mentors.
Recovery support: During and following psychosocial support, service users enter into and plan care and well-being, remove barriers to recovery, stay engaged in the recovery process, and live full lives in communities of their choice.
SMART: Self Management and Recovery Training; self-empowering addiction recovery support group and an alternative to 12-step groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Part of the mutual aid family.
Structured modality: Model of care provided by treatment service. Structured modality offers psychosocial and pharmacological interventions using motivational interviewing and BTEI.
TAF: Team Around the Family; multi-agency meeting organised under Social Care to identify support needs to promote the well-being and safeguard the development of the child in the family and family unit.
TOP: Treatment Outcomes Profile; measures change and progress in key areas of the lives of people being treated in your drug and alcohol services.