Wolverhampton Substance Misuse Service 0300 200 2400

Under 18s Quick exit

Work with us

Educational institutions
Volunteering with us
Mentoring with us
For professionals


If you own or work for a business in Wolverhampton, whether big or small, we would like to hear from you about how you could help some of the people we work with move their lives on. The offer of a job can make a real difference to someone’s life, but so can help with interview skills, a work placement, or a volunteering opportunity.

We can help employers to:

  • set up and maintain successful work placements
  • offer volunteering opportunities to staff
  • offer alcohol or drugs awareness training to staff
  • fulfil their corporate social responsibilities.

If you think you may be able to help, please get in touch.


Educational institutions


We aim to train and support educational institutions to help individuals, students and employees that have concerns about alcohol or drugs.

  • We offer volunteering opportunities to your students.
  • We welcome employment and training opportunities for people recovering from drinking or drug use.
  • We can offer training and alcohol or drugs awareness sessions to your staff.

We also provide support and screening for staff and students on demand and at specific events, such as the Health and Wellbeing Fair.

If you think you may be able to help, please get in touch.


Volunteering with us


Whether you’re an individual or an employee, we’d like you to volunteer with us. You’ll have the chance to make a huge contribution by working at our exciting new service. You’ll be able to help people to make positive changes to their lives and to put something back into your community.

As a volunteer, you’ll be trained to help people who are experiencing problems with alcohol or drugs. You’ll become confident in helping people to address their concerns and you’ll help them to bring about the permanent changes that they want in their lives.

You’ll work with people confidentially either one-to-one or in groups.

To apply to volunteer with Recovery Near You, please complete the form below:

Volunteer Mentor and Intern Application Form

SUIT (Service User Involvement Team) runs RNY’s volunteer programme. Contact Jason Spreckley the Volunteer Coordinator on: 01902 328983.


Mentoring with us


Whether you’re an individual or an employee, we’d like you to mentor for us. You’ll have the chance to develop personally while making a huge contribution by working at our exciting new service.

You’ll be a vitally important person to individuals who are making positive changes to their lives and you’ll be able to see the effects of your work and put something back into your community.

As a mentor, you’ll be trained to help with the full range of problems people experience with alcohol or drugs. You’ll become confident in helping people to address any immediate concerns and, where necessary, work over a longer period of time to bring about the permanent improvements that people want in their lives.

You’ll also work with people confidentially either one-to-one or in groups.


For professionals



We provide information, advice and guidance to GPs and pharmacists about drugs and alcohol, service provision and referral pathways.

We offer:

  • medically assisted withdrawal
  • substitute prescribing
  • drop-in sessions for triage assessments

Wolverhampton Safeguarding

We provide information, advice and guidance to social care services about drugs and alcohol, staying safe, service provision and referral pathways.

We often have less formal and more regular contact with the people accessing social care services which often leads to more honest and open information sharing. Often we are the people who families will first share information with or ask for help.

We don’t just work with individuals – we work with anyone, adults and children, affected by a family member’s drinking or drug use.

We can support social workers by:

  • attending case conferences and multi-agency meetings and visits
  • forming part of a Team Around the Family
  • assisting with care plans and Early Help Plans
  • organising support packages for families
  • advising on and assisting with child protection and safeguarding matters
  • offering meeting rooms for multi-agency meetings